Work With Innovative
HealthTech Startups

KAPSLY is your access point to the Swiss HealthTech Startup ecosystem.

We work with vetted HealthTech service providers.

Contact us to become a partner

Our Ideal Service Partners

Senior Expert

For seasoned Healthcare Executives and Entrepreneurs who want to inspire the next generation of innovation.
  • Share your expertise and leadership to make a tangible impact on the future of healthcare.
  • Join a curated network of senior professionals empowering startups to bring cutting-edge solutions to market.


For forward-thinking Service Providers with proven healthcare expertise and a track record of collaborating with startups.
  • Partner with innovative startups to tackle healthcare challenges and deliver measurable results.
    Leverage your specialized skills to drive growth and innovation in the HealthTech ecosystem.


For international Service Providers with the capacity to execute large-scale projects and an appetite for startup ventures.
  • Work with ambitious startups to co-develop scalable healthcare solutions.
    Expand your impact by bridging the gap between innovation and implementation on an international scale.

What our partners say

Karina Candrian effectum medical linkedin foto

Karina Candrian, Co-Founder & Partner Effectum Medical

"The KAPSLY model helps us to better reflect the financial constraints startups are typically facing and still offer them the services they require. Vincent is always very supportive and tries to find solutions that work for us and the startups. The KAPSLY and Effectum Medical service model are a perfect match as we both aim at supporting early stage startups by making innovation happen."

Armin Haas, Managing Director Digital Health Port

“KAPSLY gives us easier access to the Swiss startup ecosystem and we enjoy the pragmatic and professional collaboration. We want to build a startup portfolio by providing/investing our services for equity and KAPSLY is the expert in this field. KAPSLY already had the contract templates and terms prepared, which made the negotiations easier and we could focus on discussing the project details with the founders.“
Armin Haas Digital Healthport Linkedin foto

Service Partner Packages

Senior Expert

CHF 500.-/pa
  • Support with customisation of your Startup Service Packages
  • Work for Equity without legal hassle
  • Board Mandates
  • Participate in CCO as a Service
    Join MEDKAP Investors Pitchevents


CHF 5000.-/pa
  • Support with customisation of your Startup Service Packages
    Work for Equity model setup, consulting, and templates.
    Regular alignment calls
  • Lead Generation & Qualified Service Requests
    Join MEDKAP Investors Pitchevents
  • Customer success mgmt
  • Direct client invoicing
  • Access and promotion to Swiss HealthTech Startups
    Reduced comission fees
    Assistance with contract negotiations and startup valuation.
Get to know us