Work With Innovative HealthTech Startups

KAPSLY gives you the network and the tools to work with startups and act as a venture builder.

Become a Venture Studio

Startups from venture studios perform significantly better than normal VC-funded ones. Our venture studio community is open to qualified service providers. Our common interest is to build successful healthtech companies. Partners have the opportunity to get funding for their service deals and company shares of their clients.

Manage your deals professionally

We made our expertise in service-for-equity deals and alternative compensation options available through our online platform. You can create legally-proved contracts, track your projects and manage the compensation, while creating transparency for your team and clients.

What our partners say

Karina Candrian effectum medical linkedin foto

Karina Candrian, Co-Founder & Partner Effectum Medical

"The KAPSLY model helps us to better reflect the financial constraints startups are typically facing and still offer them the services they require. Vincent is always very supportive and tries to find solutions that work for us and the startups. The KAPSLY and Effectum Medical service model are a perfect match as we both aim at supporting early stage startups by making innovation happen."

Armin Haas, Managing Director Digital Health Port

“KAPSLY gives us easier access to the Swiss startup ecosystem and we enjoy the pragmatic and professional collaboration. We want to build a startup portfolio by providing/investing our services for equity and KAPSLY is the expert in this field. KAPSLY already had the contract templates and terms prepared, which made the negotiations easier and we could focus on discussing the project details with the founders.“
Armin Haas Digital Healthport Linkedin foto

Build your startup portfolio without investing money

Act strategic

Strategically develop your clients and work with them long-term. Turn small projects into big ones by showing trust and offering friendly payment terms.

Motivate employees

Work on exciting and innovative projects that motivate your employees and improve your employer brand.

Improve your image

Creating success stories with startup projects will make you more attractive as an innovative service provider to other larger clients.

Earn more

The impact of your work and our community increases the success chances. Benefit from the real value creation by receiving company shares of your clients.

We have high quality expectations for the service partners/ venture studios we work with


We have the services that are highly relevant to healthtech startups, i.e. product/software development, quality management/ regulatory affairs, commercial and go-to-market matters.

DACH Region

The DACH-region is one of the strongest healthcare ecosystems in the world. Our partners are mainly located in Switzerland and Germany and have a strong network.

Startup Experience

All of our partners have worked with multiple startups or founded their own ones successfully. Hence, they know what you need, where your problems are and understand your path.

Everything you need to manage your projects

Startup marketplace

Quickly identify new startups
Review the service request
View the company profile and pitchdeck
Get the email and phone number of the founders

Contract wizard

Define the project scope and budget
Get guided through every step of creating legally proved service agreements
Use predefined compensation models based on your investor/risk profile
Invite team members
Send and edit proposals

Service tracking

Enter your service value and create transparency
Upload your invoices
Receive notifications when payments are due
Enjoy the automated calculation for repayment plans

Portfolio tracking

Relax with automated calculations by the platform
Quickly see billable services, open invoices and invested amounts
Convert open service values to virtual company shares
Watch your startup portfolio develop over time
Get to know us